Distribution | Technologies | INVEST in to exUSSR | GlobbyS Eurasian Partnerships | Lobby | Eurasian Center of Innovative Development and Representatives | Trust | Trade | Investment |
--- СНГ...ЕАЭС...Asia...ШОС...African Union...Arab States...Caribbean...LatinoAmerica...Europe...Russia...CIS...BRICS...ASEAN...CELAC...EU...Persian Gulf...Siberia ---

воскресенье, 23 июля 2017 г.

The Business Cooperation Program with Latinoamerica countries - #LatinosBCP - started!

The Board of Eurasian Business Council approved the Business Cooperation Program America Latina (with LatinoAmerica countries) - #LatinosBCP (07/07/2017).
The first and basic step in the development of the LatinosBCP Program is the Commonwealth of Independent States - #CIS #СНГ. 

The main business areas of the Program #LatinosBCP : trade, investment, innovation, banking, business-lobby,  technologies, infrastructure.

The Board of the Eurasia Business Council considered the first applications for obtaining the status of the Business-Ambassador for LatinosBCP Program (BA EABC).
Mandates were given to the first five business experts.

Official accounts of Business Cooperation Program LatinosBCP

Official business-Groups of Business Cooperation Program LatinosBCP


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