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вторник, 19 января 2016 г.

AIIB President: AIIB door open to new members

At a press conference on Sunday, Jin Liqun, president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), said the AIIB's door has been opened and the door will stay open.

Jin made the remarks in response to a question about whether the AIIB's door is open to Japan and the United States.

"And I am very grateful to all the governments of the member countries who have been supporting.AIIB’s door has been opened and the door will stay open."

The press conference was held after the conclusion of the two-day inaugural meeting of the AIIB's board of governors, which approved by-laws, rules and codes of conduct for the bank.

The Beijing-based development bank is designed to provide financial support for infrastructure development and re gional connectivity in Asia.

With authorized capital of 100 billion U.S. dollars, the AIIB prioritizes investment in energy, power generation, transportation, rural infrastructure, environmental protection and logistics.
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